Knowing The Difference Between Swaging Vs. Crimping
The method of swaging and crimping have similar concepts but are used for different applications. Both methods consist of displacing the material by sheer force rather than cutting it away, so there are no wasteful scraps. To know how and when to use the correct method for your application, we must first recognize the definitions.

The Crimping Method
Crimping is a method of joining two metals together that is often accomplished with a hand-held tool. Two metals are forced together with a single compression force. You would use this method when weight requirements are not a concern because they are not meant to support heavy weight. The crimping method is used for smaller applications such as completing electrical work. The crimping tool allows a secure connection that is properly sealed from any moisture, preventing shortages, or faulty electrical connections. Crimping is also used in manufacturing, by mechanics and engineers who crimp a wide range of different things.
The Swaging Method
Swaging is a manufacturing process that uses a tool called a swager, for cold shaping metal into the required shape. In this process, a metal workpiece is forced through a die, and as it’s pushed through, it takes the die’s shape. This is a scrap-less forming process because no material is removed to achieve the same dimensions as the die is used. Swagers are capable of handling a wide size-range of applications. You can have large swaging machines that have the capacity to shape tubing with up to 6-inch diameter or smaller swaging models that can fit on a tabletop or workbench. Swaging is used to create wire rope because after fittings are applied the swaged cable can lift and hold thousands of pounds. Swaging is used in many applications such as rigging equipment, architectural cable railings, and the sailing industry.

Swaging Vs. Crimping
The crimping of wires and fittings is used for simple and small-scale electrical applications that require two wires to connect but not to hold or lift the weight. If you have an application where pull force is a consideration, a swager will often be used. Swaging machines are stronger than crimper tools and can perform many applications. Always make sure you are using the right method for the right application. Safety, reliability, and accuracy are always important in any industry. At Suncor Stainless, we are here to help provide knowledge and expertise to help you succeed in any application needed!
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