Suncor Stainless Distributor Satisfaction Survey

Suncor Marketing Assistance

1. How easy is it to find the information you are looking for on our website?
2. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Suncor's communications regarding new products, company updates, policy updates, etc.
3. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Suncor's marketing in support of your business? How can we improve?

Suncor Customer Service

4. How easy is it to communicate and receive assistance with customer service issues?
5. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your Suncor's customer service experience?
6. How would you rate product knowledge of Suncor's customer service and sales personnel?
7. How would you rate our online training provided for your sales/customer service team?
8. How would you rate the support provided by our outside representatives in your area?

Suncor Products and Services

9. What is your level of satisfaction with Suncor stock product's quality and availability?
10. What is your level of satisfaction with Suncor's capabilities to produce custom products?
11. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Suncor's logistics and delivery?
12. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Suncor product support?